Week 7 Reflection

This week is quite a tiring week. There were so task to be done. I tried my best to complete everything since there will be midsem break for a week. I want a full rest for my holidays, henceforth, I did all my assignment and finally done each and every one of them. for this week, there was no class since Dr Rosseni did gave us a free day so that we can have extra day for my holiday. I still hold on to my principle in which I don’t want to waste my holiday for doing nothing. The word resting give meaning that I still did my job but in a relaxing way.

As for the holiday, I tried to create a storyboard for our upcoming videos. I was trying to create a video that can portrays something important in our life but in a simple way. Before the holiday, we were discussing and each one of us was asked to find a story and we gathered all stories available together and we will choose what to do base on the majority.

What can I learn from this task was that how to cooperate with others. As a human, there is no way that everyone of us has the same idea or story to be presented. We learn how democracy works. Even though this is just something small. As for this week, I learn about how the real preparation for anything that I will be doing should be done. i should do proper preparation in terms of preparing another backup pelan. In this situation, luckily we already had a backup plan in case our first and main idea rejected. As for our idea, after too many discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of our idea, we came out with an awesome idea. Why don’t we try on doing something different from others? Usually, when we were talking about making a video, everyone will come out with a story. Different from others, we want to make something unusual. Instead of thinking on the flow of the story, we choose to do a documentary on how word can affect people.

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